Hans van Bentem (1965) works steadily on an ever growing oeuvre since graduating in 1988 from the Royal Academy of Arts, The Hague. He produced an oeuvre of Monumental Sculptures, large installations and glass and light objects, as free work and commissioned, in public space and for galleries and Museums. He uses classic, traditional materials to realise his contemporary stories. For this, he is always looking for craft workshops where certain ancient techniques are still being used. For these collaborations he is travelling the world, to China for porcelain, India for bronzes, for woodcarving Senegal and Indonesia and for crystal to the Czech Republic.

He also works in the Netherlands, where he collaborates with various glass and ceramic workshops and companies with a long history. For the Municipal Museum in The Hague in 2012 he made six installations in the period rooms, titled: "Keep on Dreaming!" which has been a traveling exhibition in historical sites ever since. His current works include a large crystal object for the 250 year old famous French crystal company Baccarat and a huge project for the totally renovated Beurspassage in Amsterdam.